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Blood Bank Consultancy

Blood Bank Consultancy

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Blood Bank Consultancy
  • Patient Gender: Any
  • Tested Blood: Yes
  • Color: Transparent
  • Voltage: 230V
  • Material: Glass
  • Patient Gender: Any
  • Tested Blood: Yes
  • Color: Transparent
  • Voltage: 230V
  • Material: Glass
Setting up or modernizing blood bank requires a substantial investment with a lots of...
Setting up or modernizing blood bank requires a substantial investment with a lots of time and effort. It encompasses a wide range of complex activities starting from preparation of the project proposal to ensuring uninterrupted day-to-day functioning of the Blood Bank. The intricacies involved in each of the activities require expertise, without which the time involved and capital investment can shoot up to very high levels.

MegaCare draws its experience from numerous projects, where the company had opportunity to interact with many Blood Bank professionals and manufacturers from across the world; and understand the operations of a Blood Bank. The in-depth knowledge, combined with the expertise of a team of blood bank professionals, help us in providing the best solution for various blood banking needs.

If you are planning to set up new blood bank or upgrade the existing facility, then you can rely on MegaCare for all your needs. We will help you to set up a fully functional blood bank that not only conforms to Drug Rules but also to GMP as well as International Standards.

We have successfully executed various projects on turnkey basis for most trusted healthcare services providers such as: Kalra Hospital Sri Ram Cardio-Thoracic & Neurosciences Centre, New Delhi (Blood Bank) Sant Parmanand Hospital, New Delhi. (Blood Bank) Saroj Hospital & Heart Institute, New Delhi. (Blood Bank) QRG Central Hospital, Faridabad, Haryana. (Central Diagnostics & Blood Bank) Rockland Hospital, New Delhi (Blood Bank) Central Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. (Rotary Blood Bank) Municipal Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. (Rotary Blood Bank)
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Megacare International Inc.